Tuesday, February 12, 2008



Amateur Radio is a scientific hobby. Amateur Radio is popularly known as Ham Radio. You can establish your own radio station and talk to friends all over the world
Ham Radio Transceiver
ham radio operator is a radio enthusiast who by virtue of his fascination towards wireless communication technology enables himself to establish his own two way radio station and communicate around the world for sheer joy, thrill and excitement involved in successfully establishing radio contacts around the world.
According to the Indian Wireless Telegraph Rules 1978, Amateur Radio service means a service of self training communication and technical investigations carried on by amateurs, that is, persons duly authorised under these rules interested in radio techniques solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.
Ham Radio started with Marconi. All the present wireless systems like radio, television, cell phones and other wireless communication is possible because of his amateur experiment.
The hobby can be as simple as talking on local-area repeaters with those in the same town, to building a satellite or experimenting with new forms of telecommunications. Ham Radio operators can talk to those on the other side of the earth with nothing more than a simple short wave transceiver (transmitter + receiver) and a simple dipole antenna..

How to become a Ham

In India any citizen with an interest in the subject can become a Ham. In fact, anybody above 12 years can become a ham radio operator after passing a qualifying examination. In India Amateur Station Operator's Certicifate (ASOC) examination is conducted by the Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing of Ministry of Communications, at any of the Monitoring Stations around the country.
Passing the ASOC examination entitles the candidate to get a communication licence and a call-sign. Call-sign is a set of letters which uniquely identifies each ham operator in the world.
There are two operating liceence

ASOC examination has two parts:
Part I :- is the written examination comprising of Basic Electronics (Radio Theory and Practice), National and International radio rules and regulations as applicable to the operation of an amateur radio station.
These examinations are very simple and mostly objective type questions will be asked.

1 comment:

santhu said...

I am SanthoshkumarG attended KSEDM training session last day.
I am very thankful especially for Accounting session.
It is very rare opportunity to see such a fantastic human being like you around in our locality.
Thank you.

